Monday, 18 June 2012

Mapping it Out

This past Friday, the 15th of June, I was finally able to work with Simon in the Market Garden. Not only did I get to spend a full day on the farm, it was sunny, warm, and wonderful! I couldn't have been happier about the weather and it put me in such a good mood to take anything on.

Simon walked me though the garden and explained the history of the site and his plans for it's future. A key aspect missing from the garden is a map of the site with it's different zones and uses. That's where I come in. I am helping Simon put together a brief of the site along with a map that he can show to other members of the farm and future volunteers. You can find a detailed outline of the information he gave me here. I will soon be creating a Prezi for him to show to others in Farming Meetings. While work such as this doesn't have to do with physically planting or harvesting, I am happy to help the Market Garden live up to it's full potential.

Finally a wonderful and sunny day on the farm! Here you can see the herb spiral just behind the tree. This is part of the Kitchen Garden. The food here is grown specifically to be cooked in the Northey Street kitchen. 

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